Meet Tarwirri Member Shona O'Brien


Shona is a proud Torres Strait Islander woman and law graduate from RMIT. Shona has completed her Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice and is working as a Law Graduate at Monash Law Clinics. She began her career in corporate practice but has since found her stride in family law.  

How long have you been a member of Tarwirri? 
I have been a member of Tarwirri for almost 2 years. Being a part of Tarwirri has been a fantastic opportunity to meet other First Nations lawyers and allies in the legal industry.   

Why did you join Tarwirri? 
I was encouraged to join Tarwirri when I was in my last year of law school and thought it was a great way to network and build a community of practitioners from a First Nations background. I was the only Indigenous student in my cohort at law school and before joining Tarwirri I did not know of any other First Nation lawyers. When I joined Tarwirri I was welcomed by First Nation lawyers and students.  

How has Tarwirri supported you over the years?  
Tarwirri has supports its members by connecting peers socially and professionally. In my last year of law school, it was refreshing being able to meet other students at the same stage as me and now that I am in practice, it has been helpful knowing other lawyers.  

I was able to complete my PLT because of Tarwirri’s partnership with the Law Institute of Victoria and scholarship opportunity with the Australian College of Applied Professions. 

Lastly, Tarwirri has been able to support me through regular updates for employment opportunity. As a newer practitioner it is helpful to know which organisations are hiring and make a conscious effort to support First Nation practitioners.  

Why did you decide to study law and become a lawyer/legal professional? 
My family. Like many First Nation people, my family are from a low socio-economic background have had to work incredibly hard for what we have. Growing up I knew I wanted a stable career in something that utilised my strengths and provide for myself and my family. My Gran inspired me to apply to an Accelerate program to start university while I was completing year 12 VCE. Without her encouragement, I might not have become a practitioner.   

What area of law do you find most interesting? 
I feel unique in the sense that I have been able to practice in a variety of law practices, but the most interesting area of law for me is family law. I enjoy family law because it has a naturally people-centric nature and incorporates knowledge from other practice areas like criminal, tax and corporations’ law. Being able to practice in this area is equally intellectually stimulating and rewarding.    

If you could describe Tarwirri in less than three words, what would it be? 
Collegial, purposeful and ancillary   


If you wish to connect with Shona, please contact Tarwirri at
Interview by Executive Officer, Tekan Cochrane.

Laura Coutts

I build kick-ass websites for small businesses, startups and not-for-profits.

Tarwirri Member Engagement Event 2023


Meet Tarwirri Member Hanina Rind