Meet Tarwirri Member Werner Dittrich

Photo courtesy of Victoria University.


Werner is a proud Murrawarri man and is currently studying for a Bachelor of Laws at Victoria University. In 2022, Werner received the 2022 Moondani Balluk Aboriginal Student Award. 

Werner has had a career change. He began his career in construction as a carpenter in Queensland before moving to Melbourne over 10 years ago. After some time in Melbourne, Werner decided to study law.  

How long have you been a member of Tarwirri? 

I have been a proud member of Tarwirri in Melbourne for the past 5 years. It's been an enriching journey, and I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to some meaningful initiatives during my time with the organisation. 

Why did you join Tarwirri? 

I joined Tarwirri five years ago because I was deeply drawn to their goals of promoting Indigenous leadership, knowledge, and cultural understanding within the legal profession. As someone passionate about social justice and Indigenous rights, I saw Tarwirri as a platform where I could actively contribute to positive change while also learning from and connecting with like-minded individuals. Additionally, I was inspired by the organisations’ commitment to supporting Indigenous law students and professionals. And I wanted to be part of that supportive community. 

How has Tarwirri supported you over the years?  

Tarwirri has been an invaluable source and guidance throughout my journey as a member. Over the years, the organisation has provided me with numerous opportunities for professional development, networking, and mentorship. Through their workshops, seminars, and networking events, I’ve been able to enhance my skills, expand my knowledge, and build meaningful connections within the legal profession.  

Why did you decide to study law and become a lawyer/legal professional? 

I chose law to advocate for justice, equality, and social change. Becoming a lawyer allows me to use my skills to empower others and uphold the principles of fairness and integrity. 

What area of law do you find most interesting? 

As an Aboriginal person witnessing disparities, I am drawn to criminal law for justice and Constitution law for protecting rights, which is crucial in addressing systemic injustices.  

If you could describe Tarwirri in less than three words, what would it be? 
Indigenous. Legal. Empowerment.  


If you wish to connect with Werner, please contact Tarwirri at  
Interviewed by Executive Officer, Tekan Cochrane

Laura Coutts

I build kick-ass websites for small businesses, startups and not-for-profits.

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Tarwirri Member Engagement Event 2023